Mitten and Stick
I was delighted that my photo, ‘Mitten and the Stick’ was selected as a ‘Photo of the Day’ by the photography journal, Don’t Take Pictures. This is an on-line feature of the journal. My image was shown on January 10th, and remains in the photo archive for this daily series. I am honored to have my work be among these images.
Don’t Take Pictures is published twice a year and in-between publications has a lively website of news, articles, interviews, online exhibits and resources for photographers. I recommend it highly.
March, 2020
I was so pleased to have two of my images selected for the exhibit ‘Trees’ at Photoplace Galleryin Middlebury, VT, juried by Wendi Schneider. One image, Sprout, is in the physical gallery exhibit and the other, Snag, is in the online gallery which is a permanent exhibition. The physical gallery exhibit has been postponed due to Covid-19, but is currently also available for viewing on-line.